Wild camellia seed oil

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    Wild camellia seed oil adopts the fruit of China’s unique camellia oleifera after press and refined get high quality edible vegetable oil. It also called “Oriental olive oil”, camellia oil is rich in nutrition contain: 93% unsaturated fatty acid, 82% oleic acid, 11% linoleic acid , Camellia glycosides, TP(tea polyphenol), phospholipids, saponins, tannin, antioxidant and Squalene. The oil can prevent blood clotting, reduce cholesterol and reduce blood press. According to the medical research that oleic acid and linoleic acid can convert to DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA in people’s body which play an important role in the development of the brain and vision. Furthermore, Squalene and Flavonoid are excellent in fighting cancer. Camellia seed oil content the microelement of VE, calcium, Iron and zinc ect. Therefor it can help hair nourishes and repair. Camellia seed oil contain 10 times as much zinc as soybean.